Friday, June 1, 2012

Etiquette & Espionage

14 year-old Sophronia just isn't cut out to be the lady her mother expects her to be, preferring climbing to curtsies, and getting herself into scuffles and situations entirely unsuited to her class. So her mother sends Sophronia to finishing school, a school meant to train young ladies in the arts of culture and deportment. This school does teach young ladies to curtsy, smile demurely, and perform the art of gracious conversation, and also teaches espionage techniques, self defense, information gathering, and so much more. Much to Sophronia's surprise this "finishing" school is exactly her cup of tea.

Etiquette & Espionage, by Gail Carriger
Book on CD
Digital Audio Player
Downloadable Audiobook


Karen said...

Fun for the Tomboy in every girl and the adventurer wanna-be hero in every girl or boy. Who wouldn't want to read about climbing around on a dirigible? Or learning how to defend oneself from vampires and werewolves? Steampunk meets spy thriller meets high tea in this entertaining romp. Let us know how you like it, or problems you found with it.

Caitlin McHugh said...

Etiquette and Espionage had a slow start, and, at first, I did not understand all the aspects of the alternate world of the novel, since it had vampires, airships, finishing schools, and werewolves. However, as the novel went on, I began to understand the world that Sophronia and the other characters live in. The characters in the novel were well-developed and good. As a whole, it was a good book and very easy to get lost in. My favorite aspects of the book were the finishing school parts, since Sophronia is such a tomboy and her trying to be “finished” by succeeding at her lessons. I also liked how she was independent, intelligent, and not afraid to do things other ladies would not do. Sophronia and Dimity’s relationship was one of my favorite parts. The book was funny and the dialogue was realistic and easy to read. Typically, I don’t read books in the genre. However, it was a book I would recommend to those who like female-centric stories, girls in finishing school and being ladies, and fun action-packed adventures.